This section briefly surveys some methods that solve the
BVP for nonholonomic systems.
This can be considered as a motion planning problem under differential
constraints but in the absence of obstacles. For linear systems,
optimal control techniques can be used, as covered in Section
15.2.2. For mechanical systems that are fully actuated,
standard control techniques such as the acceleration-based control
model in (8.47) can be applied. If a mechanical system is
underactuated, then it is likely to be nonholonomic. As observed in
Section 15.4, it is possible to generate motions that appear
at first to be prohibited. Suppose that by the Chow-Rashevskii
theorem, it is shown that a driftless system is STLC. This indicates that it should be possible to
design an LPM that successfully connects
any pair of initial and goal states. The next challenge is to find an
action trajectory
that actually causes
to reach
upon integration in (14.1). Many methods in
Chapter 14 could actually be used, but it is assumed that
these would be too slow. The methods in this section exploit the
structure of the system (e.g, its Lie algebra) and the fact that there
are no obstacles to more efficiently solve the planning problem.