The steering method presented in this section is due to
Lafferriere and Sussmann [574]. It is assumed here
that a driftless control-affine system is given, in which is a Lie
group, as introduced in Example 15.15. Furthermore,
the system is assumed to be STLC. The steering method sketched in this section
follows from the Lie algebra
. The idea is to apply
piecewise-constant motion primitives to move in directions given by
the P. Hall basis. If the system is nilpotent, then this method
reaches the goal state exactly. Otherwise, it leads to an approximate
method that can be iterated to get arbitrarily close to the goal.
Furthermore, some systems are nilpotentizable by using feedback
The main idea is to start with (15.53) and construct an extended system
It is straightforward to move this system along a grid-based path in
. Motions in the
directions are obtained by
, respectively. To move the
system in the
direction, the commutator motion in
(15.71) should be performed. This corresponds to applying
. The steering method described in this section yields a
generalization of this approach. Higher degree Lie products can be
used, and motion in any direction can be achieved.
Suppose some and
are given. There are two phases to
the steering method: