Nonholonomic system theory is restricted to a special class of
nonlinear systems. The techniques of Section 15.4 utilize
ideas from linear algebra. The main concepts will be formulated in
terms of linear combinations of vector fields on a smooth manifold
. Therefore, the formulation is restricted to control-affine
systems, which were briefly introduced in Section
13.2.3. For these systems,
is of the
The vector fields are expressed using a coordinate neighborhood of
. Usually,
, in which
is the dimension of
. Unless
otherwise stated, assume that
. In some cases,
may be restricted.
Each action variable
can be imagined as a coefficient
that determines how much of
is blended into the result
. The drift term
always remains
and is often such a nuisance that the driftless case will be the main focus. This means that
, which yields
Control-affine systems arise in many mechanical systems. Velocity
constraints on the C-space frequently are of the Pfaffian
form (13.5). In Section
13.1.1, it was explained that under such constraints, a
configuration transition equation (13.6) can be
derived that is linear if is fixed. This is precisely the
driftless form (15.53) using
. Most of the
models in Section 13.1.2 can be expressed in this form.
The Pfaffian constraints on configuration
are often called kinematic constraints because they arise due to
the kinematics of bodies in contact, such as a wheel rolling. The
more general case of (15.52) for a phase space
from dynamic constraints that are obtained from
Euler-Lagrange equation (13.118) or
Hamilton's equations (13.198) in the formulation of
the mechanics. These constraints capture conservation laws, and the
drift term usually appears due to momentum.
Note that (15.54) can equivalently be expressed as
In (15.54), the vector fields were written as column
vectors that combine linearly using action variables. This suggested
that control-affine systems can be alternatively expressed using
matrix multiplication in (15.55). In general, the vector
fields can be organized into an
matrix as
It is sometimes convenient to work with Pfaffian constraints,
Steven M LaValle 2020-08-14