Rather than diving into the most general forms of combinatorial motion
planning, it is helpful to first see several methods explained for a
case that is easy to visualize. Several elegant, straightforward
algorithms exist for the case in which
polygonal. Most of these cannot be directly extended to higher
dimensions; however, some of the general principles remain the same.
Therefore, it is very instructive to see how combinatorial motion
planning approaches work in two dimensions. There are also
applications where these algorithms may directly apply. One example
is planning for a small mobile robot that may be modeled as a point
moving in a building that can be modeled with a 2D polygonal floor
After covering representations in Section 6.2.1, Sections 6.2.2-6.2.4 present three different algorithms to solve the same problem. The one in Section 6.2.2 first performs cell decomposition on the way to building the roadmap, and the ones in Sections 6.2.3 and 6.2.4 directly produce a roadmap. The algorithm in Section 6.2.3 computes maximum clearance paths, and the one in Section 6.2.4 computes shortest paths (which consequently have no clearance).