To handle motion planning queries, a roadmap is constructed from the
vertical cell decomposition. For each cell , let
denote a
designated sample point such that
. The sample points can be selected as the cell
centroids, but the particular choice is not too important. Let
be a topological graph defined as follows. For every
, define a vertex
. There is a vertex for every
1-cell and every 2-cell. For each 2-cell, define an edge from its
sample point to the sample point of every 1-cell that lies along its
boundary. Each edge is a line-segment path between the sample points
of the cells. The resulting graph is a roadmap, as depicted in Figure
6.4. The accessibility condition is satisfied because
every sample point can be reached by a straight-line path thanks to
the convexity of every cell. The connectivity condition is also
satisfied because
is derived directly from the cell
decomposition, which also preserves the connectivity of
Once the roadmap is constructed, the cell information is no longer
needed for answering planning queries.
Steven M LaValle 2020-08-14