Figures 6.6 and 6.7 show how the algorithm
proceeds. Initially, is empty, and a doubly connected edge
list is used to represent
. Each connected component of
yields a single face in the data structure. Suppose
inductively that after several events occur,
is correctly
maintained. For each event, one of the four cases in Figure
6.2 occurs. By maintaining
in a balanced binary
search tree [243], the edges above and below
be determined in
time. This is much better than
time, which would arise from checking every segment. Depending on
which of the four cases from Figure 6.2 occurs,
different updates to
are made. If the first case occurs, then two
different edges are inserted, and the face of which
is on the
border is split two times by vertical line segments. For each of the
two vertical line segments, two half-edges are added, and all faces
and half-edges must be updated correctly (this operation is local in
that only records adjacent to where the change occurs need to be
updated). The next two cases in Figure 6.2 are
simpler; only a single face split is made. For the final case, no
splitting occurs.
Once the face splitting operations have been performed, needs to
be updated. When the sweep line crosses
, two edges are always
affected. For example, in the first and last cases of Figure
6.2, two edges must be inserted into
(the mirror
images of these cases cause two edges to be deleted from
). If the
middle two cases occur, then one edge is replaced by another in
These insertion and deletion operations can be performed in
time. Since there are
events, the running time for the
construction algorithm is
The roadmap can be computed from the face pointers of the
doubly connected edge list. A more elegant approach is to
incrementally build
at each event. In fact, all of the
pointer maintenance required to obtain a consistent doubly
connected edge list can be ignored if desired, as long as
correctly built and the sample point is obtained for each cell along
the way. We can even go one step further, by forgetting about the
cell decomposition and directly building a topological graph of
line-segment paths between all sample points of adjacent cells.
Steven M LaValle 2020-08-14