The algorithm is based on the plane-sweep (or line-sweep) principle from computational geometry [129,264,302], which forms the basis of many combinatorial motion planning algorithms and many other algorithms in general. Much of computational geometry can be considered as the development of data structures and algorithms that generalize the sorting problem to multiple dimensions. In other words, the algorithms carefully ``sort'' geometric information.
The word ``sweep'' is used to refer to these algorithms because it can
be imagined that a line (or plane, etc.) sweeps across the space, only
to stop where some critical change occurs in the information. This
gives the intuition, but the sweeping line is not explicitly
represented by the algorithm. To construct the vertical
decomposition, imagine that a vertical line sweeps from
, using
to denote a point in
From Section 6.2.1, note that the set of
vertices are the only data in
that appear in the problem
input. It therefore seems reasonable that interesting things can only
occur at these points. Sort the points in
in increasing order by
coordinate. Assuming general position, no two points have
the same
coordinate. The points in
will now be visited in
order of increasing
value. Each visit to a point will be referred
to as an event. Before, after, and in between every event, a
, of some
edges will be maintained. This list must
be maintained at all times in the order that the edges appear when
stabbed by the vertical sweep line. The ordering is maintained from
lower to higher.
Steven M LaValle 2020-08-14