Formulation 14.1 assumed that feedback is not necessary. If
the initial state is given, then the solution takes the form of an
action trajectory, which upon integration yields a time-parametrized
path through
. This extended the Piano Mover's Problem
of Section 4.3.1 to include phase spaces and differential
constraints. Now suppose that feedback is required. The reasons may
be that the initial state is not given or the plan execution might
not be predictable due to disturbances or errors in the system model.
Recall the motivation from Section 8.1.
With little effort, the feedback motion planning framework from Chapter 8 can be extended to handle differential constraints. Compare Formulations 8.2 and 14.1. Feedback motion planning under differential constraints is obtained by making the following adjustments to Formulation 8.2:
The most important difference with respect to Chapter
8 is that
is replaced with
, which allows complicated differential models of Chapter
13 to be used. The vector field that results from
must satisfy the differential constraints imposed by
. In Section 8.4.4, simple constraints on the
allowable vector fields were imposed, such as velocity bounds or
smoothness; however, these constraints were not as severe as the
models in Chapter 13. For example, the Dubins car
does not allow motions in the reverse direction, whereas the
constraints in Section 8.4.4 permit motions in any
Steven M LaValle 2020-08-14