Now suppose that
. In Section
5.5.1, the RDT was extended until a stopping
was reached, just in front of an obstacle.
There are two new complications under differential constraints. The
first is that motion primitives are used. If
is small,
then in many cases the time will expire before the boundary is
reached. This can be alleviated by using a large
and then
taking only the violation-free portion of the trajectory. In this
case, the trajectory may even be clipped early to avoid overshooting
. The second complication is due to
. If momentum
is substantial, then pulling the tree as close as possible to
obstacles will increase the likelihood that the RDT becomes trapped.
Vertices close to obstacles will be selected often because they have
large Voronoi regions, but expansion is not possible. In the case of
the Piano Mover's Problem, this was much less significant
because the tree could easily follow along the boundary. In most
experimental work, it therefore seems best to travel only part of the
way (perhaps half) to the boundary.
Steven M LaValle 2020-08-14