Now consider generalizing to a vector of double integrators. In
this case,
and each
is an
vector. There are
action variables and
double integrators of
the form
. The action space for each variable is
(once again, any acceleration bound can be used). The phase
, and each point is
. The
th double
integrator produces two scalar equations of the phase transition
Even though there are double integrators, they are decoupled in
the state transition equation. The phase of one integrator does not
depend on the phase of another. Therefore, the ideas expressed so far
can be extended in a straightforward way to obtain a lattice over
. Each action is an
-dimensional vector
. Each
is discretized to yield values
, 0, and
. There are
edges emanating from any lattice point for which
for all
. For any double integrator for which
there are only two choices because
produces no motion. The
projection of the reachability graph down to
for any
looks exactly like Figure 14.13 and
characterizes the behavior of the
th integrator.
The standard search algorithms can be applied to the lattice over
. Breadth-first search once again yields solutions that are
approximately time-optimal. Resolution completeness can be obtained
again by bounding
and allowing
to converge to zero.
Now that there are more dimensions, a complicated obstacle region
can be removed from
. The traversal of each edge then
requires collision detection along each edge of the graph. Note that
the state trajectories are linear or parabolic arcs. Numerical
integration is not needed because (14.22) already gives
the closed-form expression for the state trajectory.
Steven M LaValle 2020-08-14