Many alternative lattices can be constructed over . Different
discretizations of
and time can be used. Great flexibility is
allowed if feasibility is the only concern, as opposed to optimality.
, it is difficult to define an obstacle avoidance
problem; however, the concepts will be soon generalized to higher
dimensions. In this case, finding a feasible trajectory that connects
from some initial state to a goal state may be the main concern.
Note, however, that if
are states with zero
velocity, then the state could hover around close to the
-axis, and
the speeds will be so slow that momentum is insignificant. This
provides some incentive for at least reducing the travel time as much
as possible, even if the final result is not optimal. Alternatively,
the initial and goal states may not have zero velocity, in which case,
any feasible solution may be desired. For example, suppose the goal
is to topple a sports utility vehicle (SUV) as part of safety
To get a feeling for how to construct lattices, recall again the
analogy to conveyor belts. A lattice can be designed by placing
horizontal rows of sample points at various values of . These
could, for example, be evenly spaced in the
direction as in
Figure 14.13. Imagine the state lies on a conveyor belt.
If desired, a move can be made to any other conveyor belt, say at
, by applying a nonzero action for some specific amount of
time. If
, then
; otherwise,
. If the
action is constant, then after time
has passed,
the state will arrive at
. Upon arrival, the position
on the conveyor belt might not coincide with a sample point. This is
no problem because the action
can be applied until the state
drifts to the next sample point. An alternative is to choose an
action from
that drives directly to a lattice point within its
forward, time-limited reachable set. Recall Figure 14.14;
the cone can be placed on a lattice point to locate other lattice
points that can be reached by application of a constant action in
over some time interval.
Recall from Figure 14.13 that longer distances are traveled
over time as
increases. This may be undesirable
behavior in practice because the resolution is essentially much poorer
at higher speeds. This can be compensated for by placing the conveyor
belts closer together as
increases. As the speed increases,
a shorter time interval is needed to change belts, and the distance
traveled can be held roughly the same for all levels. This
corresponds to the intuition that faster response times are needed at
higher speeds.
A multi-resolution version can also be made [816]. The simple problem considered so far can actually be solved combinatorially, without any approximation error [747]; however, the lattice-based approach was covered because it can be extended to much harder problems, as will be explained next.
Steven M LaValle 2020-08-14