An apparent problem in the previous section is that the number of vertices grows exponentially in the number of stages. In some games, however, there may be multiple action sequences that lead to the same state. This is true of many popular games, such as chess, checkers, and tic-tac-toe. In this case, it is convenient to define a state space that captures the complete set of unique game configurations. The player actions then transform the state. If there are different action sequences that lead to the same state, then separate vertices are not needed. This converts the game tree into a game graph by declaring vertices that represent the same state to be equivalent. The game graph is similar in many ways to the transition graphs discussed in Section 10.1, in the sequential game against nature. The same idea can be applied when there are opposing players.
We will arrive at a sequential game that is played over a state space
by collapsing the game tree into a game graph. We will also allow the
more general case of costs occurring on any transition edges, as
opposed to only the leaves of the original game tree. Only the
stage-by-stage model from the game tree is generalized here.
Generalizations that use other information models are considered in
Section 11.7. In the formulation that follows,
can be can viewed as the replacement for nature in Formulation
10.1. The new formulation is still a generalization of
Formulation 9.7, which was a single-stage, zero-sum
game. To keep the concepts simpler, all spaces are assumed to be
finite. The formulation is as follows.