Now upper bounds are summarized for some narrower problems, which can be solved more efficiently than the general problem. All of the problems involve either two or three degrees of freedom. Therefore, we expect that the bounds are much lower than those for the general problem. In many cases, the Davenport-Schinzel sequences of Section 6.5.2 arise. Most of the bounds presented here are based on algorithms that are not practical to implement; they mainly serve to indicate the best asymptotic performance that can be obtained for a problem. Most of the bounds mentioned here are included in [865].
Consider the problem from Section 6.2, in which the
robot translates in
is polygonal. Suppose
is a convex polygon that has
edges and
is the
union of
disjoint, convex polygons with disjoint interiors, and
their total number of edges is
. In this case, the boundary of
(computed by Minkowski difference; see Section 4.3.2) has at most
nonreflex vertices (interior angles less than
) and
reflex vertices (interior angles greater than
). The free space,
, can be decomposed and searched in time
[518,865]. Using randomized algorithms, the bound
reduces to
randomized expected
time. Now suppose that
is a single nonconvex polygonal region
described by
edges and that
is a similar polygonal region
described by
edges. The Minkowski difference could yield as
many as
edges for
. This can be avoided if
the search is performed within a single connected component of
. Based on analysis that uses Davenport-Schinzel sequences,
it can be shown that the worst connected component may have complexity
, and the planning problem can be solved in
deterministically or for a randomized
randomized expected time
is needed. More generally, if
consists of
curves in
, each with degree no more than
, then the motion
planning problem for translation only can be solved deterministically
in time
, or with a randomized algorithm
randomized expected time. In these
is the bound (6.37)
obtained from the
Davenport-Schinzel sequence, and
For the case of the line-segment robot of Section 6.3.4 in
an obstacle region described with edges, an
algorithm was given. This is not the best possible running time for
solving the line-segment problem, but the method is easier to
understand than others that are more efficient. In
[748], a roadmap algorithm based on retraction is given
that solves the problem in
time, in which
is the number of times that
has to be iterated on
to yield a result less than or equal to
(i.e., it is a very small,
insignificant term; for practical purposes, you can imagine that the
running time is
). The tightest known upper bound is
[625]. It is established in [517]
that there exist examples for which the solution path requires
length to encode. For the case of a line segment moving
among polyhedral obstacles with a total of
vertices, a
complete algorithm that runs in time
for any
was given in [547]. In [517] it was
established that solution paths of complexity
Now consider the case for which
is a convex polygon
edges, and
is a polygonal region described by
The boundary of
has no more than
and can be computed to solve the motion planning problem in time
[10,11]. An
algorithm that runs in time
and provides
better clearance between the robot and obstacles is given in
[205]. In [55] (some details also appear in
[588]), an algorithm is presented, and even implemented, that
solves the more general case in which
is nonconvex in time
. The number of faces of
could be as high
for this problem. By explicitly representing and
searching only one connected component, the best-known upper bound for
the problem is
, in which
be chosen arbitrarily small [428].
In the final case, suppose that translates in
. For a polyhedron or polyhedral region, let its
complexity be the total number of faces, edges, and vertices.
is a polyhedron with complexity
, and
is a polyhedral
region with complexity
, then the boundary of
is a
polyhedral surface of complexity
. As for other
problems, if the search is restricted to a single component, then the
complexity is reduced. The motion planning problem in this case can be
solved in time
[42]. If
convex and there are
convex obstacles, then the best-known bound
time. More generally, if
is bounded by
algebraic patches of constant maximum degree, then a vertical
decomposition method solves the motion planning problem within a
single connected component of
in time
Steven M LaValle 2020-08-14