As stated in Section 6.3.1, motion planning inside of each cell in a complex should be trivial. To solve the decision and quantifier-elimination problems, a cell decomposition was developed for which these problems become trivial in each cell. The decomposition is designed so that only a single point in each cell needs to be checked to solve the decision problem.
The semi-algebraic set
that is expressed with
(6.15) is
Let denote the set of
polynomials that
appear in (6.16). A sign assignment with respect to
is a vector-valued function,
. Each
has a corresponding
position in the sign assignment vector. At this position, the sign,
, appears. A
semi-algebraic decomposition is a partition of
into a
finite set of connected regions that are each sign
invariant. This means that inside of
each region,
must remain constant. The regions will
not be called cells because a semi-algebraic decomposition is
not necessarily a singular complex as defined in Section
6.3.1; the regions here may contain holes.
![]() |
(6.17) |
Now consider the sign assignment
, shown in Figure
6.30 for the gingerbread face of Figure
3.4b. The polynomials of the semi-algebraic model
, as defined in Example
3.1. In order, these are the ``head,'' ``left eye,''
``right eye,'' and ``mouth.'' The sign assignment produces a
four-dimensional vector of signs. Note that if
lies on one of
the zeros of a polynomial in
, then a 0 appears in the sign
assignment. If the curves of two or more of the polynomials had
intersected, then the sign assignment would produce more than one 0
at the intersection points.
For the semi-algebraic decomposition for the gingerbread face in
Figure 6.30, there are nine regions. Five 2D
regions correspond to: 1) being outside of the face, 2)inside of the
left eye, 3) inside of the right eye, 4) inside of the mouth, and 5)
inside of the face but outside of the mouth and eyes. There are four
1D regions, each of which corresponds to points that lie on one of the
zero sets of a polynomial. The resulting decomposition is not a
singular complex because the
region contains three holes.
A decomposition such as the one in Figure 6.30 would
not be very useful for motion planning because of the holes in the
regions. Further refinement is needed for motion planning, which is
fortunately produced by cylindrical algebraic decomposition. On the
other hand, any semi-algebraic decomposition is quite useful for
solving the decision problem. Only one point needs to be checked
inside of each region to determine whether some Tarski sentence that
has no free variables is true. Why? If the polynomial signs cannot
change over some region, then the TRUE/FALSE value of the
corresponding logical predicate, , cannot change. Therefore,
it sufficient only to check one point per sign-invariant region.
Steven M LaValle 2020-08-14