A wide variety of approaches and techniques for geometric modeling exist, and the particular choice usually depends on the application and the difficulty of the problem. In most cases, there are generally two alternatives: 1) a boundary representation, and 2) a solid representation. Suppose we would like to define a model of a planet. Using a boundary representation, we might write the equation of a sphere that roughly coincides with the planet's surface. Using a solid representation, we would describe the set of all points that are contained in the sphere. Both alternatives will be considered in this section.
The first step is to define the world for which there are
two possible choices: 1) a 2D world, in which
, and 2) a
3D world, in which
. These choices should be sufficient
for most problems; however, one might also want to allow more
complicated worlds, such as the surface of a sphere or even a higher
dimensional space. Such generalities are avoided in this book because
their current applications are limited. Unless otherwise stated, the
world generally contains two kinds of entities:
This section presents a method for systematically constructing
representations of obstacles and robots using a collection of
primitives. Both obstacles and robots will be considered as (closed)
subsets of . Let the obstacle region
denote the set of all points in
lie in one or more obstacles; hence,
. The next step
is to define a systematic way of representing
that has great
expressive power while being computationally efficient. Robots will
be defined in a similar way; however, this will be deferred until
Section 3.2, where transformations of geometric bodies are