The randomized potential field method of Section 5.4.3 can be
easily adapted to handle differential constraints. Instead of moving
in any direction to reduce the potential value, motion primitives are
applied and integrated to attempt to reduce the value. For example,
under the discrete-time model, each can be applied over
, and the one for which the next state has the lowest
potential value should be selected as part of the descent. Random
walks can be tried whenever no such action exists, but once again,
motion in any direction is not possible. Random actions can be chosen
instead. The main problems with the method under differential
constraints are 1) it is extremely challenging to design a good
potential function, and 2) random actions do not necessarily provide
motions that are similar to those of a random walk. Section
15.1.2 discusses Lyapunov functions, which serve as good
potential functions in the presence of differential constraints (but
usually neglect obstacles). In the place of random walks, other
planning methods, such as an RDT, could be used to try to escape local
Steven M LaValle 2020-08-14