Adapting the discrete algorithms from Section 2.2 works
well if the problem can be solved with a small number of points. The
number of points per axis must be small or the dimension must be low,
to ensure that the number of points, , for
points per axis
dimensions is small enough so that every vertex in
can be
reached in a reasonable amount of time. If, for example, the problem
points per axis and the dimension is
, then it is
impossible to search all of the
samples. Planners that
exploit best-first heuristics might find the answer without searching
most of them; however, for a simple problem such as that shown in
Figure 5.13a, the planner will take too long exploring
the vertices in the bowl.5.12
The randomized potential field [70,72,588]
approach uses random walks to attempt to escape local minima when
best-first search becomes stuck. It was one of the first
sampling-based planners that developed specialized techniques beyond
classical discrete search, in an attempt to better solve challenging
motion planning problems. In many cases, remarkable results were
obtained. In its time, the approach was able to solve problems up to
degrees of freedom, which was well beyond what had been
previously possible. The main drawback, however, was that the method
involved many heuristic parameters that had to be adjusted for each
problem. This frustration eventually led to the development of better
approaches, which are covered in Sections 5.4.4,
5.5, and 5.6. Nevertheless, it is
worthwhile to study the clever heuristics involved in this earlier
method because they illustrate many interesting issues, and the method
was very influential in the development of other sampling-based
planning algorithms.5.13
The most complicated part of the algorithm is the definition of a
potential function, which can be considered as a pseudometric
that tries to estimate the distance from any configuration to the
goal. In most formulations, there is an attractive
term, which is a metric on
that yields the distance to the goal, and a repulsive
term, which penalizes
configurations that come too close to obstacles. The construction of
potential functions involves many heuristics and is covered in great
detail in [588]. One of the most effective methods involves
constructing cost-to-go functions over
and lifting them to
[71]. In this section, it will be sufficient to assume
that some potential function,
, is defined, which is the
same notation (and notion) as a cost-to-go function in Section
2.2.2. In this case, however, there is no requirement
is optimal or even an underestimate of the true cost
to go.
When the search becomes stuck and a random walk is needed, it is
executed for some number of iterations. Using the discretization
procedures of Section 5.4.2, a high-resolution grid (e.g.,
points per axis) is initially defined. In each iteration, the
current configuration is modified as follows. Each coordinate,
is increased or decreased by
(the grid step size) based
on the outcome of a fair coin toss. Topological identifications must
be respected, of course. After each iteration, the new configuration
is checked for collision, or whether it exceeds the boundary of
(if it has a boundary). If so, then it is discarded, and another
attempt is made from the previous configuration. The failures can
repeat indefinitely until a new configuration in
is obtained.
The resulting planner can be described in terms of a three-state
machine, which is shown in Figure 5.15. Each state is
called a mode to avoid confusion with earlier state-space
concepts. The VSM and LPM are defined in terms of the mode. Initially, the
planner is in the BEST FIRST mode and uses to start a
gradient descent. While in the BEST FIRST mode, the VSM selects
the newest vertex,
. In the first iteration, this is
. The LPM creates a new vertex,
, in a neighborhood of
, in a direction that minimizes
. The direction sampling
may be performed using randomly selected or deterministic samples.
Using random samples, the sphere sampling method from Section
5.2.2 can be applied. After some number of tries
(another parameter), if the LPM is
unsuccessful at reducing
, then the mode is changed to RANDOM WALK because the best-first search is stuck in a local minimum
In the RANDOM WALK mode, a random walk is executed from the
newest vertex. The random walk terminates if either is
lowered or a specified limit of iterations is reached. The limit is
actually sampled from a predetermined random variable (which contains
parameters that also must be selected). When the RANDOM WALK
mode terminates, the mode is changed back to BEST FIRST. A
counter is incremented to keep track of the number of times that the
random walk was attempted. A parameter
determines the maximum
number of attempted random walks (a reasonable value is
[71]). If BEST FIRST fails after
random walks
have been attempted, then the BACKTRACK mode is entered. The
BACKTRACK mode selects a vertex at random from among the
vertices in
that were obtained during a random walk. Following
this, the counter is reset, and the mode is changed back to BEST
Due to the random walks, the resulting paths are often too complicated
to be useful in applications. Fortunately, it is straightforward to
transform a computed path into a simpler one that is still
collision-free. A common approach is to iteratively pick pairs of
points at random along the domain of the path and attempt to replace
the path segment with a straight-line path (in general, the shortest
path in ). For example, suppose
are chosen at
random, and
is the computed solution
path. This path is transformed into a new path,
![]() |
(5.39) |
The randomized potential field approach can escape high-dimensional local minima, which allow interesting solutions to be found for many challenging high-dimensional problems. Unfortunately, the heavy amount of parameter tuning caused most people to abandon the method in recent times, in favor of newer methods.
Steven M LaValle 2020-08-14