An interesting I-map is obtained by removing all but the last sensor
observation from the history I-state. This yields an I-map,
, which is defined as
The model is referred to as sensor feedback. In this case, all
decisions are made directly in terms of the current sensor
observation. The derived I-space is
, and a plan on the derived
I-space is
, which is called a sensor-feedback plan. In some
literature, this may be referred to as a purely reactive plan.
Many problems for which solutions exist in the history I-space cannot
be solved using sensor feedback. Neglecting history prevents the
complicated deductions that are often needed regarding the state. In
some sense, sensor feedback causes short-sightedness that could
unavoidably lead to repeating the same mistakes indefinitely.
However, it may be worth determining whether such a sensor-feedback
solution plan exists for some particular problem. Such plans tend to
be simpler to implement in practice because the actions can be
connected directly to the sensor output. Certainly, if a
sensor-feedback solution plan exists for a problem, and feasibility is
the only concern, then it is pointless to design and implement a plan
in terms of the history I-space or some larger derived I-space. Note
that this I-map is sufficient, even though it ignores the entire
Steven M LaValle 2020-08-14