Imagine automating the motion of a lawnmower for an estate that has
many obstacles, such as a house, trees, garage, and a complicated
property boundary. What are the best zig-zag motions for the
lawnmower? Can the amount of redundant traversals be minimized? Can
the number of times the lawnmower needs to be stopped and rotated be
minimized? This is one example of coverage planning, which is
motivated by applications such as lawn mowing, automated
farming, painting, vacuum cleaning, and mine
sweeping. A survey of this area appears in [217]. Even for a
region in
, finding an optimal-length solution to coverage
planning is NP-hard, by reduction to the closely related
Traveling Salesman Problem [36,709]. Therefore, we
are willing to tolerate approximate or even heuristic solutions to the
general coverage problem, even in