Under hierarchical inclusion, a plan is incorporated as an action in a
larger plan. The original plan can be imagined as a subroutine in the
larger plan. For this to succeed, it is important for the original
plan to guarantee termination, so that the larger plan can
execute more actions as needed. Hierarchical inclusion can be
performed any number of times, resulting in a rooted tree of
plans. This leads to a general model of hierarchical planning.
Each vertex in the tree is a plan. The root vertex represents the
master plan. The children of any vertex are plans that are
incorporated as actions in the plan of the vertex. There is no limit
to the tree depth or number of children per vertex. In hierarchical
planning, the line between machine and environment is drawn in
multiple places. For example, the environment, , with respect to
a machine,
, might actually include another machine,
, that
interacts with its environment,
, as depicted in Figure
1.20. Examples of hierarchical planning appear in
Sections 7.3.2 and 12.5.1.
Steven M LaValle 2020-08-14