First consider making a cell decomposition for the case in which the
segment can only translate. The method from Section
4.3.2 can be used to compute
by treating the
robot-obstacle interaction with Type EV and Type VE contacts. When
the interior of
touches an obstacle vertex, then Type EV is
obtained. An endpoint of
touching an object interior yields Type
VE. Each case produces an edge of
, which is polygonal. Once
this is represented, the vertical decomposition can be used to solve
the problem. This inspires a reasonable numerical approach to the
rotational case, which is to discretize
, for
, and
[20]. The obstacle region,
, is
polygonal for each case, and we can imagine having a stack of
polygonal regions. A roadmap can be formed by connecting sampling
points inside of a slice in the usual way, and also by connecting
samples between corresponding cells in neighboring slices. If
large enough, this strategy works well, but the method is not complete
because a sufficient value for
cannot be determined in advance.
The method is actually an interesting hybrid between combinatorial and
sampling-based motion planning. A resolution-complete version can be
In the limiting case, as tends to infinity, the surfaces of
become curved along the
direction. The conditions in
Section 4.3.3 must be applied to generate the actual
obstacle regions. This is possible, but it yields a semi-algebraic
representation of
in terms of implicit polynomial primitives.
It is no easy task to determine an explicit representation in terms of
simple cells that can be used for motion planning. The method of
Section 6.3.3 cannot be used because
is not
polyhedral. Therefore, special analysis is warranted to produce a
cell decomposition.
The general idea is to construct a cell decomposition in
considering only the translation part,
. Each cell in
is then lifted into
by considering
as a third axis that
is ``above'' the
plane. A cylindrical decomposition results in
which each cell in the
plane produces a cylindrical stack of
cells for different
values. Recall the cylinders in Figures
6.18 and 6.19. The vertical axis corresponds
in the current setting, and the horizontal axis is
replaced by two axes,
![]() |
To construct the decomposition in
, consider the various
robot-obstacle contacts shown in Figure 6.22. In Figure
6.22a, the segment swings around from a fixed
Two different kinds of contacts arise. For some orientation (value of
), the segment contacts
, forming a Type EV contact. For
three other orientations, the segment contacts an edge, forming Type
VE contacts. Once again using the feature concept, there are
four orientations at which the segment contacts a feature. Each
feature may be either a vertex or an edge. Between the two contacts
, the robot is not in collision. These
configurations lie in
. Also, configurations for which the
robot is between contacts
(the rightmost contact) and
also in
. All other orientations produce configurations in
. Note that the line segment cannot get from being between
to being between
, unless the
position is changed. It therefore seems sensible that these must
correspond to different cells in whatever decomposition is made.
Steven M LaValle 2020-08-14