If a dual-tree approach offers advantages over a single tree, then it
is natural to ask whether growing three or more RDTs might be even
better. This is particularly helpful for problems like the double bug
trap in Figure 5.13c. New trees can be grown from
parts of that are difficult to reach. Controlling the number of
trees and determining when to attempt connections between them is
difficult. Some interesting recent work has been done in this
direction [82,918,919].
These additional trees could be started at arbitrary (possibly random)
configurations. As more trees are considered, a complicated decision
problem arises. The computation time must be divided between
attempting to explore the space and attempting to connect trees to
each other. It is also not clear which connections should be
attempted. Many research issues remain in the development of this and
other RRT-based planners. A limiting case would be to start a new
tree from every sample in
and to try to connect nearby
trees whenever possible. This approach results in a graph that covers
the space in a nice way that is independent of the query. This leads
to the main topic of the next section.
Steven M LaValle 2020-08-14