Collision detection algorithms determine whether a configuration lies
, but motion planning algorithms require that an entire
path maps into
. The interface between the planner and
collision detection usually involves validation of a path segment
(i.e., a path, but often a short one). This cannot be checked
point-by-point because it would require an uncountably infinite number
of calls to the collision detection algorithm.
Suppose that a path,
, needs to be checked
to determine whether
. A common approach
is to sample the interval
and call the collision checker only
on the samples. What resolution of sampling is required? How can one
ever guarantee that the places where the path is not sampled are
collision-free? There are both practical and theoretical answers to
these questions. In practice, a fixed
is often chosen
as the C-space step size. Points
then chosen close enough together to ensure that
, in which
is the
metric on
. The value of
is often determined
experimentally. If
is too small, then considerable time is
wasted on collision checking. If
is too large, then there
is a chance that the robot could jump through a thin obstacle.
Setting empirically might not seem satisfying.
Fortunately, there are sound algorithmic ways to verify that a path is
collision-free. In some applications the methods are still not used
because they are trickier to implement and they often yield worse
performance. Therefore, both methods are presented here, and you can
decide which is appropriate, depending on the context and your
personal tastes.
Ensuring that
requires the use of both
distance information and bounds on the distance that points on
can travel in
. Such bounds can be obtained by using the robot
displacement metric from Example 5.6. Before
expressing the general case, first we will explain the concept in
terms of a rigid robot that translates and rotates in
. Suppose that
a collision detection algorithm indicates that
is at least
units away from collision with obstacles in
. This information
can be used to determine a region in
that contains
Suppose that the next candidate configuration to be checked along
. If no point on
travels more than distance
when moving from
, then
and all configurations between
must be
collision-free. This assumes that on the path from
every visited configuration must lie between
for the
th coordinate and any
. If the robot can
instead take any path between
, then no such
guarantee can be made).
![]() |
When undergoes a translation, all points move the same distance.
For rotation, however, the distance traveled depends on how far the
point on
is from the rotation center,
. Let
denote the point on
that has the largest magnitude,
. Figure 5.12 shows an example.
A transformed point
may be denoted by
. The following bound is obtained for any
, if the robot is rotated from orientation
![]() |
(5.30) |
Similarly, and
may individually vary up to
, yielding
. If all three
parameters vary simultaneously, then a region in
can be
defined as
For the case of , once again the displacement of the point on
that has the largest magnitude can be bounded. It is best in
this case to express the bounds in terms of quaternion differences,
. Euler angles may also be used to obtain a
straightforward generalization of (5.31) that has
six terms, three for translation and three for rotation. For each of
the three rotation parts, a point with the largest magnitude in the plane
perpendicular to the rotation axis must be chosen.
If there are multiple links, it becomes much more complicated to
determine the step size. Each point
is transformed by
some nonlinear function based on the kinematic expressions from
Sections 3.3 and 3.4. Let
denote this transformation. In some cases, it might
be possible to derive a Lipschitz condition of the form
![]() |
(5.32) |
A better method is to individually bound the link displacement with respect to each parameter,
![]() |
(5.33) |
![]() |
(5.34) |
Unfortunately, there are more complications. Suppose the 50-link
chain is in a configuration that folds all of the links on top of each
other (
for each
). In this case,
does not move as fast when
is perturbed, in
comparison to the straight-line configuration. A larger step size for
could be used for this configuration, relative to other
parts of
. The implication is that, although Lipschitz constants
can be made to hold over all of
, it might be preferable to
determine a better bound in a local region around
. A
linear method could be obtained by analyzing the Jacobian of the
transformations, such as (3.53) and
Another important concern when checking a path is the order in which
the samples are checked. For simplicity, suppose that is
constant and that the path is a constant-speed parameterization.
Should the collision checker step along from 0 up to
Experimental evidence indicates that it is best to use a recursive
binary strategy [379]. This makes no difference if the path
is collision-free, but it often saves time if the path is in
collision. This is a kind of sampling problem over
, which is
addressed nicely by the van der Corput sequence,
. The
last column in Figure 5.2 indicates precisely where to
check along the path in each step. Initially,
is checked.
Following this, points from the van der Corput sequence are
checked in order:
. The process terminates if a collision is
found or when the dispersion falls below
. If
is not constant, then it is possible to skip over some points of
in regions where the allowable variation in
is larger.
Steven M LaValle 2020-08-14