5.1.2 Important Metric Spaces for Motion Planning
This section presents some metric spaces that arise frequently in
motion planning.
Example 5..1 (

Metric Using Complex Numbers)

is represented by unit complex numbers, recall that the
C-space is the subset of

given by

. Any

metric from

may be applied. Using
the Euclidean metric,
(5.6) |
for any pair of points


Example 5..2 (

Metric by Comparing Angles)
You might have noticed that the previous metric for

does not
give the distance traveling along the circle. It instead takes a
shortcut by computing the length of the line segment in

connects the two points. This distortion may be undesirable. An
alternative metric is obtained by directly comparing angles,


. However, in this case special care has to
be given to the identification, because there are two ways to reach


by traveling along the circle. This causes

to appear in the metric definition:
(5.7) |
for which
![$ \theta_1,\theta_2 \in [0,2 \pi] {/\sim}$](img1708.gif)
. This may
alternatively be expressed using the complex number representation

as an angle between two vectors:
(5.8) |
for two points


Example 5..3 (An

Again by using the subspace principle, a metric can easily be obtained

. Using the complex number representation of

, each
element of

is a point

. The
Euclidean metric, or any other

metric on

, can be
immediately applied to obtain a metric.
Example 5..4 (

Metrics Using Quaternions)
As usual, the situation becomes more complicated for

. The
unit quaternions form a subset


. Therefore, any

metric may be used to define a metric on

, but this will not
be a metric for

because antipodal points need to be
identified. Let

represent two unit quaternions
(which are being interpreted here as elements of

by ignoring
the quaternion algebra). Taking the identifications into account, the
metric is
(5.9) |
in which the two arguments of the

correspond to the distances



, respectively. The


was negated to yield its antipodal point,

As in the case of
, the metric in (5.9)
may seem distorted because it measures the length of line segments
that cut through the interior of
, as opposed to traveling along
the surface. This problem can be fixed to give a very natural metric
, which is based on spherical linear interpolation.
This takes the line segment that connects the points and pushes it
outward onto
. It is easier to visualize this by dropping a
dimension. Imagine computing the distance between two points on
. If these points lie on the equator, then spherical linear
interpolation yields a distance proportional to that obtained by
traveling along the equator, as opposed to cutting through the
interior of
(for points not on the equator, use the great
circle through the points).
It turns out that this metric can easily be defined in terms of the
inner product between the two quaternions. Recall that for unit
, in
is the angle between the vectors. This angle is
precisely what is needed to give the proper distance along
The resulting metric is a surprisingly simple extension of
(5.8). The distance along
between two
quaternions is
(5.10) |
in which each

. Taking identification into
account yields the metric
(5.11) |
Example 5..5 (Another

For many C-spaces, the problem of relating different kinds of
quantities arises. For example, any metric defined on

compare both distance in the plane and an angular quantity. For
example, even if

, the range for


using radians but

using degrees. If the same constant

is used in either case, two very different metrics are obtained.
The units applied to


are completely
Example 5..6 (Robot Displacement Metric)
Sometimes this incompatibility problem can be fixed by considering the
robot displacement. For any two configurations

, a
robot displacement metric can be defined as
(5.12) |
in which

is the position of the point

in the world when
the robot

is at configuration

. Intuitively, the robot
displacement metric yields the maximum amount in

that any part of
the robot is displaced when moving from configuration


The difficulty and efficiency with which this metric can be computed
depend strongly on the particular robot geometric model and
kinematics. For a convex polyhedral robot that can translate and
rotate, it is sufficient to check only vertices. The metric may
appear to be ideal, but efficient algorithms are not known for most
Example 5..7 (

Next consider making a metric over a torus

. The Cartesian
product rules such as (
5.4) and
5.5) can be extended over every copy of

(one for each parameter

). This leads to





. Robot displacement could
be used to determine the coefficients. For example, if the robot is a
chain of links, it might make sense to weight changes in the first
link more heavily because the entire chain moves in this case. When
the last parameter is changed, only the last link moves; in this case,
it might make sense to give it less weight.
Example 5..8 (

Metrics for

can be formed by applying the Cartesian product
rules to a metric for

and a metric for

, such as that
given in (
5.11). Again, this unfortunately leaves
coefficients to be specified. These issues will arise again in Section
5.3.4, where more details appear on robot
Steven M LaValle