Now suppose that the number, , of samples is not given. The task
is to define an infinite sequence that has the nice properties of the
van der Corput sequence but works for any dimension. This will
become the notion of a multi-resolution grid. The resolution
can be iteratively doubled. For a multi-resolution standard grid in
, the sequence will first place one point at the origin. After
points have been placed, there will be a grid with two points
per axis. After
points, there will be four points per axis.
Thus, after
points for any positive integer
, a grid with
points per axis will be represented. If only complete grids are
allowed, then it becomes clear why they appear inappropriate for
high-dimensional problems. For example, if
, then full grids
appear after
, and so on, samples.
Each doubling in resolution multiplies the number of points by
Thus, to use grids in high dimensions, one must be willing to accept
partial grids and
define an infinite sequence that places points in a nice way.
The van der Corput sequence can be extended in a straightforward
way as follows. Suppose
. The original van
der Corput sequence started by counting in binary. The least
significant bit was used to select which half of
was sampled.
In the current setting, the two least significant bits can be used to
select the quadrant of
. The next two bits can be used to
select the quadrant within the quadrant. This procedure continues
recursively to obtain a complete grid after
points, for
any positive integer
. For any
, however, there is only a
partial grid. The points are distributed with optimal
dispersion. This same idea can be applied in dimension
by using
bits at a time from the binary sequence to select the orthant
-dimensional quadrant). Many other orderings produce
-optimal dispersion. Selecting orderings that additionally
optimize other criteria, such as discrepancy or
dispersion, are
covered in [639,644]. Unfortunately, it is more
difficult to make a multi-resolution Sukharev
grid. The base becomes
instead of
after every
points a complete grid is obtained. For example,
in one dimension, the first point appears at
. The next two
points appear at
. The next complete one-dimensional
grid appears after there are
Steven M LaValle 2020-08-14