- ... headset1.1
- This is also referred to as a head mounted display or HMD.
- ... left.3.1
- Perhaps coders who speak Arabic or Hebrew are not confused about this.
- ....3.2
- Recall that to transpose a square matrix, we simply swap the
indices, which turns columns into rows.
- ...display!retina.5.1
- This is equivalent to a density of
pixels per mm
, but we will use linear inches because it is the international standard for display comparisons.
- ... forth!5.2
- This frequently happened to the author while developing and testing the Oculus Rift.
- ... as8.1
- The parameter
is used instead of
to indicate that it is integrated away, much like the index in a summation.
- ... yields8.2
- If this is unfamiliar, then look up the derivatives of sines and cosines, and the chain rule, from standard calculus sources (for example, [326]).
- ....8.3
- This assumes models contain all of the points on their boundary and that they have finite extent; otherwise, topological difficulties arise [123,165]
- ... determined.9.1
- Global positioning systems (GPS) work in this way, but using radio signals, the Earth surface constraint, and at least one more satellite eliminate time synchronization errors.
- ... produced.11.1
- The values are also discretized, and are represented using floating-point numbers. This level of discretization will be ignored.
- ... world.12.1
- To be more mathematically precise,
is the limiting case of applying
to an infinite number of people with the assumption that they all respond according to a normal distribution with the same mean.