One of the main complications in using state discretization is that
there are three spaces over which sampling occurs: time, the action
space, and the state space. Assume the discrete-time model is used.
If obtaining optimal solutions is important, then very small cells
should be used (e.g., 50 to 100 per axis). This limits its
application to state spaces of a few dimensions. The time interval
should also be made small, but if it is too small relative
to the cell size, then it may be impossible to leave a cell. If only
feasibility is the only requirement, then larger cells may be used,
must be appropriately increased. A course quantization
may cause solutions to be missed, particularly if
large. As
decreases, the number of samples in
becomes less important.
To obtain resolution completeness, the sampling should be improved
each time the search fails. Each time that the search is started, the
sampling dispersion for at least one of the three spaces should be
decreased. The possibilities are 1) the time interval
may be reduced, 2) more actions may be added to
, or 3) more
points may be added to
to reduce the cell size. If the
dispersion approaches zero for all three spaces, and if
contains an open subset of
, then resolution completeness is
obtained. If
is only a point, then solutions that come
within some
must be tolerated.
Recall that resolution completeness assumes that has bounded
derivatives or at least satisfies a Lipschitz condition
(14.11). The actual rate of convergence is mainly
affected by three factors: 1) the rate at which
varies with
respect to changes in
(characterized by Lipschitz
constants), 2) the required traversal of narrow regions in
and 3) the controllability of the system. The last condition will be
studied further for nonholonomic systems in Section 15.4.
For a concrete example, consider making a U-turn with a Dubins
car that has a very large turning radius, as shown in Figure
14.18. A precise turn may be required to turn around, and
this may depend on an action that was chosen many stages earlier. The
Dubins car model does not allow zig-zagging (e.g., parallel parking)
maneuvers to make local corrections to the configuration.
Steven M LaValle 2020-08-14