The term nonholonomic planning was introduced by Laumond
[593] to describe the problem of motion planning for wheeled
mobile robots (see [595,633] for overviews). It was
informally explained in Section 13.1 that
nonholonomic refers to differential constraints that cannot be
completely integrated. This means they cannot be converted into
constraints that involve no derivatives. A more formal definition of
nonholonomic will be given in Section 15.4. Most
planning research has focused on velocity constraints on , as
opposed to a phase space
. This includes most of the models given
in Section 13.1, which are specified as nonintegrable
velocity constraints on the C-space
. These are often called
kinematic constraints, to distinguish them from constraints that
arise due to dynamics.
In mechanics and control, the term nonholonomic also applies to
nonintegrable velocity constraints on a phase space
[112,113]. Therefore, it is perfectly reasonable for the
term nonholonomic planning to refer to problems that also involve
dynamics. However, in most applications to date, the term
nonholonomic planning is applied to problems that have kinematic
constraints only. This is motivated primarily by the early
consideration of planning for wheeled mobile robots. In this book, it
will be assumed that nonholonomic planning refers to planning under
nonintegrable velocity constraints on or any phase space
For the purposes of sampling-based planning, complete integrability is
actually not important. In many cases, even if it can be
theoretically established that constraints are integrable, it does not
mean that performing the integration is practical. Furthermore, even
if integration can be performed, each constraint may be implicit and
therefore not easily parameterizable. Suppose, for example, that
constraints arise from closed kinematic chains. Usually, a
parameterization is not available. By differentiating the closure
constraint, a velocity constraint is obtained on . This can be
treated in a sampling-based planner as if it were a nonholonomic
constraint, even though it can easily be integrated.
Steven M LaValle 2020-08-14