The next task is to extend the definition of the cost-to-go under a
fixed plan, which was given in Section 10.1.3, to the case
of imperfect state information. Consider evaluating the quality of a
plan, so that the ``best'' one might be selected. Suppose that the
nondeterministic uncertainty is used to model nature and that a
nondeterministic initial condition is given. If a plan is
fixed, some state and action trajectories are possible, and others are
not. It is impossible to know in general what histories will occur;
however, the plan constrains the choices substantially. Let
denote the set of state-action histories that could
arise from
applied to the initial condition
The cost of a plan from an initial condition
measured using worst-case analysis as
Under probabilistic uncertainty, the cost of a plan can be measured using expected-case analysis as
Steven M LaValle 2020-08-14