One has to be very careful about sampling uniformly over the space of
rotations. The probability density must correspond to the Haar
measure, which means that a random rotation should be obtained by
picking a point at random on
and forming the unit quaternion.
An extremely clever way to sample
uniformly at random is given
in [883] and is reproduced here. Choose three points
uniformly at random. A uniform, random
quaternion is given by the simple expression
(5.15) |
A full explanation of the method is given in [883], and a brief
intuition is given here. First drop down a dimension and pick
to generate points on
. Let
the value for the third coordinate,
. The slice
of points on
for which
is fixed for
a circle on
that corresponds to some line of latitude on
. The second parameter selects the longitude,
Fortunately, the points are uniformly distributed over
. Why?
as the crust on a spherical loaf of bread that is run
through a bread slicer. The slices are cut in a direction parallel to
the equator and are of equal thickness. The crusts of each slice have
equal area; therefore, the points are uniformly distributed. The
method proceeds by using that fact that
can be partitioned into
a spherical arrangement of circles (known as the Hopf fibration);
there is an
copy for each point in
. The method above is
used to provide a random point on
, and
produces a random point on
; they are carefully combined
in (5.15) to yield a random rotation. To respect the
antipodal identification for rotations, any quaternion
found in
the lower hemisphere (i.e.,
) can be negated to yield
This does not distort the uniform random distribution of the samples.
Steven M LaValle