Welcome! ¡Bienvenidos! Ласкаво просимо! Witam! வருக! 欢迎! Tervetuloa!
I am a lifelong student with boundless passion for learning and endless curiosity about the world around me. This site mostly contains research papers, books, tutorials, and software in areas where I have developed expertise (especially robotics and virtual reality). I enjoy trying to understand difficult technical problems and then openly describing what I have discovered in the clearest way possible. I am fortunate to have been inspired by so many brilliant mentors, students, and collaborators over the years. I hope that you find the free content here useful, or at least interesting.
Latest news: We developed a general, foundational, mathematical theory of VR, established how small robot brains can posssibly be, used EEG to study VR sickness in humans, and made RRTs about 1000 times faster!
From 2021-2026 I am funded by an ERC Advanced Grant to pursue the Foundations of Perception Engineering.
See my other pages:
Research Group in Oulu
Google Scholar