9.3.2 Deterministic Strategies

What constitutes a good solution to Formulation 9.7? Consider the game from the perspective of $ {{\rm P}_1}$. It seems reasonable to apply worst-case analysis when trying to account for the action that will be taken by $ {{\rm P}_2}$. This results in a choice that is equivalent to assuming that $ {{\rm P}_2}$ is nature acting under the nondeterministic model, as considered in Section 9.2.2. For a matrix game, this is computed by first determining the maximum cost over each row. Selecting the action that produces the minimum among these represents the lowest cost that $ {{\rm P}_1}$ can guarantee for itself. Let this selection be referred to as a security strategy for $ {{\rm P}_1}$.

For the matrix game in (9.42), the security strategy is illustrated as

$\displaystyle \begin{tabular}{cc} & $V$  $U$ & \begin{tabular}{\vert c c c ...
...-2 & 2 & 0 & 1 & $\rightarrow {\bf 2}$  \hline \end{tabular} \end{tabular} ,$ (9.43)

in which $ u=2$ and $ u = 3$ are the best actions. Each yields a cost no worse than $ 2$, regardless of the action chosen by $ {{\rm P}_2}$.

This can be formalized using the existing notation. A security strategy, $ u^{*}$, for $ {{\rm P}_1}$ is defined in general as

$\displaystyle u^{*} = \operatornamewithlimits{argmin}_{u \in U} \Big\{ \max_{v \in V} \Big\{ L(u,v) \Big\} \Big\} .$ (9.44)

There may be multiple security strategies that satisfy the $ \operatornamewithlimits{argmin}$; however, this does not cause trouble, as will be explained shortly. Let the resulting worst-case cost be denoted by $ \overline{L}^*$, and let it be called the upper value of the game. This is defined as

$\displaystyle \overline{L}^*= \max_{v \in V} \Big\{ L(u^{*},v) \Big\}.$ (9.45)

Now swap roles, and consider the game from the perspective of $ {{\rm P}_2}$, which would like to maximize $ L$. It can also use worst-case analysis, which means that it would like to select an action that guarantees a high cost, in spite of the action of $ {{\rm P}_1}$ to potentially reduce it. A security strategy, $ v^{*}$, for $ {{\rm P}_2}$ is defined as

$\displaystyle v^{*} = \operatornamewithlimits{argmax}_{v \in V} \Big\{ \min_{u \in U} \Big\{ L(u,v) \Big\} \Big\} .$ (9.46)

Note the symmetry with respect to (9.44). There may be multiple security strategies for $ {{\rm P}_2}$. A security strategy $ v^{*}$ is just an ``upside-down'' version of the worst-case analysis applied in Section 9.2.2. The lower value, $ \underline{L}^*$, is defined as

$\displaystyle \underline{L}^*= \min_{u \in U} \Big\{ L(u,v^{*}) \Big\} .$ (9.47)

Returning to the matrix game in (9.42), the last column is selected by applying (9.46):

$\displaystyle \begin{tabular}{cc} & $V$\ \\ $U$\ & \begin{tabular}{\vert c\vert...
...row$\ & $\downarrow$\ \\ -2 & -1 & 0 & {\bf 1} \\ \end{tabular} \end{tabular} .$ (9.48)

An interesting relationship between the upper and lower values is that $ \underline{L}^*\leq \overline{L}^*$ for any game using Formulation 9.7. This is shown by observing that

$\displaystyle \underline{L}^*= \min_{u \in U} \Big\{ L(u,v^{*}) \Big\} \leq L(u^{*},v^{*}) \leq \max_{v \in V} \Big\{ L(u^{*},v) \Big\} = \overline{L}^*,$ (9.49)

in which $ L(u^{*},v^{*})$ is the cost received when the players apply their respective security strategies. If the game is played by rational DMs, then the resulting cost always lies between $ \underline{L}^*$ and $ \overline{L}^*$.

Steven M LaValle 2020-08-14